HostMilano, 17-21 October 2025, fieramilano (Rho)

fieramilano, Rho

Host2025: what's new

A global event for the and Food Service industry

HostMilano is the world exhibition dedicated to the catering and hospitality sector; an international hub active all year round that brings professionals together, constantly monitors all the sector's supply chains and consumer styles, presents in-depth analysis of current issues, best practices, international scenarios, produces news and global observatories, organises webinars and events all over the world.

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Position your brand and present your products to buyers from all over the world. Take part in HostMilano.



HostMilano signs agreement with the SIPAN Consortium for a renewed MIPPP

The Consortium’s leading Italian bakery technology companies will complement an already rich domestic and foreign parterre. The revamped concept will attract new professional visit ...

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Behind the timeless appeal of the table, there is technology

The dedicated area of Host 2025 highlights an industry that is innovating both in production, with cutting-edge technologies and sustainability, and in design, materials and styles ...

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Technology in coffee (and beyond)? Its focus is on the tasting experience

From production lines that enable the best expression of taster’ choices, to coffee machines that enhance different recipes, to healthy beverages: all the innovations at SIC, at Ho ...

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Press Releases


HostMilano and Consorzio SIPAN join forces to revamp MIPPP - Milano Pane Pizza Pasta, the new international bakery reference

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Press release

Host 2025: the organization engine revves up for the next edition of the world’s leading event in professional hospitality and food retail

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Press release

PRESS KIT - HostMilano 2023

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Events 2023


Luxury pastry in the world

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Smart Label - Host Innovation Award

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Host around the world

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Be My Host

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In the last few days, we have received several reports of new spam e-mails offering for purchase the list of exhibitors at Host or other databases related to the event. These e-mails do not come from an address connected with Host or Fiera Milano S.p.A. and they are an attempted fraud.

We recommend that you do not follow up on these communications and do not open any attachments or links that may be present because they may contain attempts to defraud you.  All information about Host can be found on the official event website or requested from your Host contact person.

If you receive one of these e-mails, we ask you to inform your contact person at Host and we also recommend that you report receipt of these e-mails to the Postal and Communications Police to inform them of the attempted scam against you.

Your Host contact person will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you at Host.